Lean journey in new factory at Pon.Bike Lithuania

A new chapter for Pon.Bike in Lithuania

Read more about the Lean journey in the new factory at Pon.Bike in Lithuania here.

A next step for Pon.Bike: they are expanding their production capacity and building a brand new factory in Lithuania. Most of the staff will be introduced to the bicycle sector for the first time.

Future-oriented with Lean and 5S

Pon.Bike focuses on the future and understands that success is about more than just building a factory; it's about cultivating a mindset of continuous improvement. Inspired by the good experiences with 5S within another factory of the Pon.Bike group (Gazelle), and a similar factory in Germany, Pon.Bike has decided to implement Lean and 5S also at the factory in Lithuania.

“Well begun is half done”

At Gazelle they only developed the 5S implementation addressed. This meant that they could only reap the benefits of their efforts later, which meant that the implementation took more energy and time. That is why Pon.Bike engaged us (at an early stage) to guide them in this Lean journey, where we not only focus on buildings and machines, but also on shaping production processes and training employees to make a quick start in Lithuania !

A complete 5S setup for the new Pon.Bike production factory in Lithuania

At Pon.Bike we started with a powerful Lean activation and implementation roadmap, in which Lean awareness, 5S and TWI formed the pillars. The flow and flow control approach is taken directly from Gazelle, including crucial improvements derived from previous Kaizens. Our Lean awareness and activation include a tailor-made training program for all managers, based on the successful practices at Gazelle, with an emphasis on Continuous improvement, TWI and creating flow. During the training we received support from Robby Koendjbiharie, team leader and improvement coordinator of Gazelle. He speaks from his own experience when it comes to Lean and 5S within the bicycle industry.

Diversity in 5S activation support

We have been onsite in Lithuania several times to train people, activate 5s and install the hardware and software.

When designing the factory, we provided semi-digital operational management systems 5S boards, complete with tablets for efficient meetings and assurance. The 5S– and Safety-app, adapted to Lithuanian, allows the teams to perform standardized 5S rounds and safety checks. With five 5S carts, we have made all the necessary tools immediately available for workplace design. Our 5S activation support process provides intensive support at crucial moments, allowing the teams to continue to operate independently. This comprehensive approach, including training, coaching and advanced hardware and software, is an essential and valuable set. Pon.Bike understands that success does not only depend on buildings and machines, but above all on people, processes and working methods. By investing in these core aspects, they ensure a flying start with 5S and immediately create an organizational culture based on Pon's core values.

We are very excited and grateful to be part of Pon.Bike's growth story. Together we strive for excellence and strive to set a new standard in the bicycle industry.

Meet Pon.Bike

Pon.Bike is a global group of brands that delivers the best bicycles in every market segment - from off-road downhill racing to urban cargo bikes. In addition to bicycles, Pon.Bike also offers bicycle accessories and bicycle mobility services.

Website Pon.Bike

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