Experience 5S in the food packaging industry
Article 5S rollout at Hordijk Packaging
Despite Covid-19 at the Gemba, a leading producer of plastic packaging for the fresh food sector. It maintains high product safety standards and adds the 5S method for workplace organization to its already considerable quality standards. Download the article 5S rollout at Hordijk Packaging below.
With a 2-day series of 5S rollouts, we train groups of production employees and support them during the implementation of the 5S activities. The safety risk areas with many traffic movements are emphatically visible on the spaghetti diagram. This immediately increases safety awareness among employees. This is then reflected in the floor marking plan.
A successful 5S implementation starts with a good scan of the area and design of the 5S red label area. The 5S app from Scan to Stand Hold on the tablet makes it easy for all employees to participate and thus successfully introduce 5S at their own workplace.
Hordijk Packaging invests in the 5S app to effectively support the assurance phase and thus sustainably secure the results achieved.
The project was as comprehensive as it was far-reaching, as were the results. A complete 5S roll-out was carried out by 5S Company for Hordijk Packaging. The trajectory – from the Gemba-walk to aftercare – we have elaborated this in a white paper together with the customer. In this white paper, we take you through the implementation and execution of the entire 5S method. From analysis and implementation to training and assurance.
The Hordijk case gives you as an entrepreneur insight into '5S in practice' and can be downloaded for free. We answer frequently asked questions. Explain how we create support and involvement in every working environment. Describe all steps around the implementation of the 5S method. From good work to better work. More productive, safer and more profitable.

Related recommendation:
See the whitepaper 5S rollout and Lean improvement processes within Koninklijke Gazelle